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由Spawn編輯: 6/9/2018 8:26:59 PM

Can we make renown an optional toggle.

I like the new renown system, Bungie. But for the love of god I sometimes just want to do public events and not have to worry about getting a debuff every time I finish one. It would’ve been nice to have a toggle in the settings that would turn renown on or off. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to #Feedback forum so that other Destiny players can weigh in.  [url=] See Cozmo's thread here[/url] for more information about the #Feedback tag and its uses. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]



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  • Last i checked, we were supposed to be [i]rewarded[/i] for joining a faction. They want us to support them. why are we getting a DEBUFF for doing anything that isnt a strike or a crucible match? one that does literally nothing positive. that gets increasingly more punishing. for only 10 coins. seriously who thought that was a good idea. that's not "challenging" that's [i]tedious[/i]. Challenging would be something like "Enemies have fortified their ground! Lost Sectors have increased amounts of powerful enemies!" (more orange/yellow health enemies appear) or "Gain renown by completing objectives on your journey! Expend your renown in Lost Sectors, but beware, powerful foes seek to challenge the most noteworthy Guardians!" (Patrols/PublicEvents/Valued Targets give "renown". Higher "Renown" spawns a more powerful "boss" at the end of a Lost Sector.) This whole "get debuffed for doing anything on a planet so you can try to claw your way to 5 and through a lost sector for 10 coins at the end" thing is stupid and isnt "challenging" nor "rewarding" at all. its not even a proper "grind". it's a slog. grinding is one thing. this? this being not optional makes it pointless.



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