Will Pre-order destiny 2 expansion pass buyers get all free exotics that come with Foraken Expansion
I spent my money on destiny hoping for a great game and it was money well spent .. will us expansion pass buyers get the free exotics with the new expansion?? ... yes there were some dead spots but the story of where your guardian began to now is a long way. From missions to strikes you grow with light then it is taken all away by an Cabal non the less the masters of war .. but yet defeated and now we discover one of the most powerful weapons in all of the planets and galaxies Rasputin. But he is not a weopen but on though our to be seen as one.. now he rises to be come his on self..... the story is well worth it the grinding the game play the graphics all worth it .. but one question remains will the new Forsaken expansion go into person matters of our mentor guardians. Into there past and find there true secrets .. cayde 6 is the last one with the untold past ..