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6/18/2018 2:45:17 AM

Simple, not simple request

Hey- I’m a D1 elitist, I’ll admit it. I constantly play D2 bitching that the smallest most insignificant things were better in D1. One example being the tower, the new one isn’t BAD really and I am sure people are happy with the new one- but whenever I go to D1 I just feel like there is something inherently superior about it. That being said I love the farm- a complete -blam!-ing waste that was to not be as valid a social hub after advertising the hell out of it before launch. (Seriously make up secondary representatives for all the factions and NPCs from the main tower and out em there. The farm is great and deserves to be used.) Sorry had to get that off my chest- Anyway what I am really asking here is to bring back one thing from D1 with absolutely NO-CHARGE. Well more like a giant slew of things but hey, after all the BS they have put us through I think we deserve it. Bring back ALL the D1 emotes, FREE. ALL D1 EMOTES FREE, bring me back- the new exotic ones are cool and I enjoy a few of the new/current emotes- but just like most things the ones in D1 were all inherently better. If you think this is a unfair request I will point the finger at Bungie for charging people $10 for ONE flipping emote- that should have been a reward for getting all the IB ornaments or something.



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