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由SquattingTurtle編輯: 6/19/2018 6:52:21 AM

This is probably what the Sunsinger attunement will look like.

[quote][b]I: Empowered:[/b] Smack enemy to gain 15% damage buff for 3 seconds. (Hopefully more to it, it may potentially give nearby allies the same buff but still doesn't seem very useful) [b]II: Candescent grace:[/b] Hold LB to turn your grenade into an orb of light. Fully restores health and grants an overshield when walked through. [b]III: HearthKeeper:[/b] When an ally uses your Rift, Candcent grace and Well of radiance, your abilities recharge faster for 5 seconds. [b]IV: Well Of Radiance:[/b] A big rift that lasts longer. Somthing about ally kills extend the duration maybe (hopefully more to it).[/quote] Just from me picking at multiple gambit videos.



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