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由reyway777編輯: 7/7/2018 5:11:44 AM

How I'd Improve the Faction Rallies

Dear Bungie and whoever it may concern, I have a suggestion on how to improve faction rallies. Ive come up with several ideas that I believe you could use. Now i am not a game developer so I have no idea if any of these would or if they could be put into the game the way it is now, however, I felt I would share. My first suggestion is - Make us able to pledge and collect tokens for the Factions during the whole year, make Faction Rallies these major events that test our loyalty to our faction. Now for this to work and to keep players from breaking the game by hoarding Faction Tokens during the whole year and spending them all during the Rally, I think the Factions should use a new type of currency/Material to turn in to our vendors. But more on that later. To keep people turning in tokens and have interest in the Factions, have each Faction sell Armor and Weapons with unique perks on them (exp - all FWC weapons have a chance to drop/roll with the perk "War Cultist" reloading after rapidly getting kills overflows the magazine and causes overflew rounds to do bonus damage) This would make every faction have a unique feel to their weapons and armor (even make certain Mods only drop from those vendors) The reason for this would be, the players would join a Faction, earn armor and weapons from that Faction all in preparation for the coming Faction Rally. Secondly - I found the Renown Mechanic interesting but lacking at times. This solution solves both that problem and the one I address in my previous solution. This solution is a mix of the current Renown system, the Token System as well as some features from the Gambit game mode coming in Forsaken. How this would work is, instead of collecting Tokens during the Event (Faction Rally), Players collect Renown, which function similar to Modes of Light, wherein you collect them and carry them on your person. These Renown Tokens/Modes would drop from World Bosses and Public Event Chest. However, the most Renown would drop from Lost Sector Bosses and Chests. Most importantly, the Renown a player can carry would be uncapped, meaning a player could carry 1 or 1000 Modes of Renown. The thing keeping players from doing this, however, is two-fold. If a Player dies in the Overworld, any Renown they were carrying would be cut in half, causes them to lose it. Meaning if a player has 50 renown and they die, they keep 25 but lost the other half. Secondly, for every stack of Renown a Player has on them, much like the current Renown, they do less damage to enemies and take more damage. Thirdly - And this is tied to the 2ed part, World Bosses, EP level bosses would spawn around players with high Renown. In other words, the higher a Players Renown is, the higher the chance a World Boss will spawn in the Overworld around that Player. These Bosses would have power just below or even equal to max power level. Making fighting them to be a near-impossible challenge alone. This Boss also has the bonus ability to regain lost health on killing enemies with Renown, meaning the more Renown a player loses when they die, more the boss heals. To Further help with Loyalty to one Faction, when these World Boss's are killed, the player who did the most damage to that boss, the Boss will drop Renown, much like Modes of Light, which both them and any players nearby can also pick up, however, the caveat would be that, the Modes of Renown would only be able to be picked up the players who pledged to the faction who did the most damage. Meaning if a World Boss spawns, and two players, one New Monarchy and one FWC fight for whos going to kill it first, the player that does the most damage to the Boss will be able to pick up the Renown while the other Player will be locked out. This would create competition and inspire players to join Fireteams with players of the same Faction. Fourthly - Make Lost Sectors more important. I like how Lost Sectors were used however there could always be improvements. One such improvement would be to visit our Faction Vendor during the Faction Rally who would give us a quest. The quest would be something along these lines "Powerful Enemies are gathering on Titan, put a stop to whatever it is they are planning and earn the City's Support for New Monarchy", saying that the Factions are almost like politics, as in doing nice things only to get the peoples to support and not because its the right thing. What would happen then, is much like the Flashpoints where you would complete certain tasks on said Planet, however instead of only being Public Events, it would be Bounties, Lost Sectors and killing World Boss's that Spawn. Doing these activities on these planets would also reward more Renown for that day and every player would be given a different planet. Furthermore, If the Player kills all the Lost Sectors on the Planet, what will happen is another World Boss will Spawn, not one like I mentioned in the 2ed part, but rather one that tells a lore type story. To further improve on this, you could even change the Lost Sectors to carry a different enemy race then the one that used to be in it, like Hive attacking the Fallen Lost Sector on Titan and after purging all the Lost Sectors, a Powerful Hive Knight would be summoned. Finally - FACTION WARFARE - Imagine Crucible Rumble (or even just Clash with 3 teams of 4) but with the Renown System i mentioned. How it would work would be something close to gambling. There would be 3 levels or stages to enter. In order to enter these Levels and play this Crucible Game Mode, you would need to "bet" your Renown. To play Level 1, you need to turn in 50 Renown and you play against other players, collecting their Renown after you kill them and losing your Renown every time you die. This could either be Elimination style where if your Renown hits 0, you are killed out of the game mode, which I would prefer so it becomes whichever player (or team) is the last one standing or it can be time-based where, after say 10 min rounds, however much Renown you have after the Round is how much you get when it's done. Furthermore, each level would have more Renown requirements, Level 1 - 50 Renown, Level 2 - 150 Renown, Level 3 - 300 Renown. Creating a High Risk, high Reward game modes. You would be alerted of this game mode by both Shaxx and your Vendor who would say something like "we want you to represent our Faction in the Crucible" almost like the player becomes a MMA fighter or some kinda celebrity. Also also, put a Leaderboard in the Tower for this Game Mode beside Shaxx that records the player who collected/won the most Renown in this game mode. Winning or coming in the top 3 could also reward you with Renown. Overall that is my suggestion on how id improves the Faction Rally. Id very much like to hear other suggestions or improvement on my solution. If you like it, an upvote would be very much appreciated.



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