Bungie Officializes that our Characters will NEVER Speak Again - My Disagreement
I want my character to speak in some capacity.
I want my character to remain permanently muted.
bungie did an AMA with IGN today
one of the questions was if our characters will remain muted, with a simple reply "yup"
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first off, it was not in the original dream of bungie studios to have mute characters - - they never felt that way with Halo, and went through the trouble to have * * * SIX * * * different main character voices for vanilla destiny
i think they are just lazy and don't want to spend money on good voice actors they deem "non-essential" - - as it stands right now, * * * GHOST * * * is the main character of the Destiny franchise and our controlled characters are just the supporting cast to his journey
your thoughts?
I really miss it when my character could talk, this is just sad. :( I played the game with each class and yet it was the same thing for each of em, I'm so depressed right now I'm probably not going to play it anymore an just go back to Borderlands. That god damn asshole in that review who said 'yep' I wish him dead, I mean ANY god damn voice actor could do the job. Hell I'd offer myself if it was optional just to have some sort of context. Without a voice for my character all I am is a gun with arms and legs.