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由DJCornford編輯: 5/4/2016 1:37:20 AM

Survivors of The Wastes – 20. Lure

**CHANNEL OPEN** “Speak”. “Great Kell, You…” “Speak Captain”. “Sire, we have been betrayed!” “Explain”. “A Dreg has stolen aboard the buried Ketch by itself, abandoning the search party“. “How?” “How, sire?” “Yes imbecile! How did it gain entry?” “I…I am not…” (Static) “…Sire? Can you hear…” (Static) “Captain? Speak Captain!” (Static) “Kell”. “Who is this? Who dares to…” “I dare Kell. That which you thought dead and buried has returned”. “Who is this? Find me the source of this transmission!” “You cannot. My house was far superior to yours in so many ways”. “What house?” “That does not matter”. “You dare to tell me…” “Your Captain cannot deliver what you want. Your Captain cannot find what you want. I can. I have”. “Where? Tell me now!” “Why?” “Why? WHY? I am Kell! I…” “Yes yes, but why do you want it?” “Find me the source of this transmission!” “I think I know. You want to use it against the other Houses, yes?” “Where is this transmission…” “The mine, Kell. The earth is seeped in the power that you want. Take it. Use it. It does not matter to me. You cannot harm me. You might find it harder to take than you thought, however. A Guardian is here. He will fight, yes?” “I will take it! I will have it! Order the…” **CHANNEL CLOSED**



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