Bungie should seriously consider taking PvP out of Destiny. Or at the very least stop rewarding people for playing it. My main reason for my blatant and unapologetic hatred for this garbage is that it forces Bungie to design guns and armor in less creative and less interesting ways, and most importantly less fun ways. Does anyone ever actually use the Vigilance Wing for anything other than sweating out a few Crucible matches? No, and why would they it's mediocre at best. Now I don't mind Shooter or competitive games at all, I play a lot of Overwatch and while I'm not very good at it I still have fun because the game was designed around the fact that people would be there specifically to play against other people. Crucible has always felt like it was just tacked on to Destiny and only makes it a worse game for it.
Well, reading this again it looks more like a rant than a coherent argument but I just feel like, especially with the grind of the some of the Solstice challenges that the flaws of the Crucible really shine through. Like the Clear superiority of one class over the others. Or how poorly your experience is going to be if you aren't using one of two guns right now. I know it's too late for any of this to change but I feel like this needs to be said even if I'm not going to say it right.
TL;DR: I hate Crucible and wish they never put it in the game
Yeah and they say pvp players are the toxic ones in this game "at the very least stop rewarding people who play it" you have about 80% of the progression options in this game and everyone of them is easier to do then the crucible equalivent. You're also one of those idiots that thinks bungie will up its pve game if crucible is gone. I play more crucible then any other activity in this game. Especially now that it's heading in the right direction. Crucible has no effect on your game experience. None. The difference between you and I is I can step into the pve side of the game and win. You can't in pvp.