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8/29/2018 12:57:36 PM

Destiny was at it's Pinnacle with The Taken King -

I quit this franchise just before Curse of Osiris, but want to come back to the franchise i spent literally 7k hours playing over D1's lifetime. I spent countless hours playing D2 as well, despite the winning formula of taken king era D1 being thrown out....i held out hope. But now, now i just wish i was never duped by the "10 year plan" hype Bungie spoke about when first releasing Destiny. The two games are only similar in packaging, the gameplay is now watered down for the most casual players. But casuals aren't where the problem lays, it's the fact that now there's no way for anyone even approaching a Hardcore player to get their rocks off. In my opinion casuals would still come back if the game wasn't so watered down, but for hardcores there isn't any incentive. PVP is now equivalent to a first generation COD slow BORING gameplay style.....i don't have a problem with the gameplay as it sits currently, but. The powerful guardians we saw in D1 PVP were obviously what you'd think of when you hear words like "Supers" or "FUN" for instance. I had a consistent 2.0+ in both D1 and D2 and was able to adapt to most any meta/play style......but this 4v4 slow boring laid back casual serving stuff isn't serving the community. I believe the casual players could still have decent fun if we still had some ACTION in the D1 6v6 style. My blood used to pump fast with excitement in it boils and i lust for a challenge in D2. I know it's been said before but the grind for god roll guns......or just guns that suit your style better was a reason to keep grinding. Let's face it the game is completely designed around why not give an actual Reason or two for people to do it? In short, Bungie basically IMO destroyed the treasure map of D1's final year and even managed to mess up Shaders (how does that even happen?). But wait, there's more...... Basically to sum it up i just wish there was a viable option for a monogamous gamer type like myself to pour hours into (without total disappointment). I'm still completely in awe of the fact they basically threw out everything great about taken king era and only kept the artwork and orchestra. I've been killing time with The Division, and as boring as that game is at least it doesn't lock players out with PAYGATES to access half the game every time a new DLC debuts. I want more than anything to give my $$ for the new dlc, but i know that the only thing this game has to do after those 4 hours (4 hours lol) is play the raid over and over with snobs. Which to me is a conundrum in itself.......why strive for those raid guns when there's Nothing to Do With Them? BORING



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