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由JonnyMadDog1編輯: 9/27/2018 4:06:59 AM

To P e a c h e s P a n T a o and g r u m p y 0 l b g r a m p a (mainly): Immigration and the rating the current Prez (response to yr threads this user doesn't comment in)

This user saw yr threads but doesn't post in others' threads (long, personal story) so this user is making a thread as a response for muh 2 cenx. There's really no such thing as 'greatest President/Earthly King/Emperor/State, it's something of an oxymoron, that's this human's AnCap/libertarian/voluntarist-speaking and disbelief in the 'State' (capital 'S') and favor for 7.5 billion, and counting, governments (depending on what one's definition of government is, govern meaning control and mente meaning mind, mind-control, but not all mind-control/government needs to be in the form of the 'State' but all 'States' are government, get it? Got it? Good, if there's such a thing.) Of the current pool to choose from, however, the ones who sucked the least as far as this user's preferences are concerned, with bias, and objectively, as far as the definition of what they are suppose to do ('preside' over the administration of the 'country' and see to it that each branch holds up their end of the supposed bargain, not stepping outside the checks-and-balances and working within the framework and preservation of the Bill of Rights, which the Constitution purports as RECOGNITIONS, NOT ENDOWMENTS that can be taken away, Rights are INHERENT by deity! 'The universe' shows the way and provides. However, most, especially the past hundred and five to hundred and fifty plus years, the government has been infringing on the Rights of man and what is purported to be 'order' is, in fact, the biggest employer of chaos. Anarchy is a return to the old ways and means 'no rulers, not no rules' and the definition has been perverted since 1 9 2 7 to scare people and consolidate narcissistic psychopathic power over cowards).....this user has a few worth peoples' review and consideration for fandom of: G W: tactician, reject who tried, tried, and tried again 'til 'e became a success-story, warned against political parties, allegedly shown the future by an angl at Valley Forge (possibly a time-traveler through time, which allegedly gives diabetes as a side effect or alien species of the 64 allegedly that have visited Earth), fairly non-interventional and at the forefront of stuff, like BenjiF sitting in the back of the room, only in the front, didn't want titles like 'King of America', expired upon living out iz usefulness as a product of iz time and in B.A.-fashion, said upon the prospect of dyin'.....'tis well.' More C E R O M I E D O than PentaDark in LU! Didn't quite care for the whiskyrebellion putdown nor some of the 'Liberty' speech rhetoric, however awesome most of that speech is/was, but am picking at semantics and straws with some of the definitions.....for it pertains to the current Prez's policies and rhetoric as well, a 'country' does not need such stringent borders/anti-(undocumented)immigration, private property-only can work, politics is DOWNstream from culture, the dominant culture and its cultural borders is where the fight is and such wins out over the weaker ones, as A t h e n s had many squatter camps/smaller city-states around and in it's region no one cares about or remembers as much, if they are low-IQ then people have little to fear, if one eliminates the push/pull factors of mass importation of incompatible cultures for nefarious purposes by the deep state/n W o (which this user DOESN'T SUPPORT BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN THIS USER CAN'T BE OPEN-BORDERS) and allows for the 'solute' populace to remain ARMED and FREE to defend themselves from an aggressive 'solvent', which is usually antithetical to authority, like HrryPottr and Voldymort, neither can truly occur while the other survives, Malo periculosam libertatum quam quietum servitium!!! What if this user wants to leave, is a poor and private person on top of that? F passports, this user was invited to another's private property elsewhere, it's an act of aggression to impede such a person's movements! T J: Very down-to-earth dood! Concerned with peoples' Rights and was disgusted by P l a t o to boot! A peoples' champion, IF YUH SMEELLLL WHAT T J IS PURCHASING ON THE BAYOU! Don't @ this user with the slavery sht AGAIN, it's become trite and cliche at this point, it was different times then and they had to decide what was implementable then, when hardly anyone agreed with each other vs. the empire and it was PREFERABLE to the alternative that was DEEETTTH!!! Also, blax sold other blax, colonilism brought good things too to the host cultures AND whyts were enslaved too! Indentured servants or not, plus theycould all win their freedom someday and the chattel horror tales children are indoctrinated into believing today weren't as common or proper then as they were (still not as much, as large, in frequency or magnitude) as they were fifty-some years later, that was a reaction to northern quotas, paranoia, and taxes from a parasitic relationship between an industrial and agrarian separation and exchange process. Monro, Madisn, Buchan (little known and cared for), Hoovr, the aforementioned T. Rose, Reagn was the last semi-quasi not-evl Prez.....each since have been bought-n-paid for FULLY apart of the n W o's tentacles, of either side of the Dialectic's dynastic families. J F K mixed bag too, wanna believe in goodness winning out in the end, but time can't tell in this universe, if only some more years were there to study in another universe. OVERRTED: Lincln, mixed bag, F D R, GLAARING oversights to some of the rhetoric and policies this dood did as with W W before 'im. WORST:........Well......Bsh wytchcraft clan, Klynton Kryme and KuRu Syndicate, B H Kissngr Sotohroh Davys ODronebummbah who won a NobelPeacePrize medal without a single day of peace iz ENTIRE administration! D Trizzle.....crony capitalist (not pure free market capitalism), philanderer could be called an honorary Klynton, allegedly had fam who worked with the Bsh clan in taking out Nkola Tezluh and stealing iz work and operating 9 / 1 1, wants to impede poor, private peoples' movements over land NOT OWNED, uses the SAME statistics as Obummuh did with unemployment among other things, speaks loudly and carries a shank on social media, hypocrite-extraordinaire as far as campaign promises and rhetoric on social media pre-inauguration. Tax cut, a small one, for some people, and SOME small-government programs/cutbacks and freeing the Bundee clan from prison are among this dood's ONLY accomplishments.....allegedly 'e's only in office because Klynton was HORRID and as a REACTION and a back-door deal with the military vs. the deep state in a proxy war of alien puppets in Antarctica that are waking up soon/returning soon that are malevolent, but even the friendly aliens are not that great. PROTECTIONISM.DOES.NOT.WORK!!!!!! F tariffs and collectivism (narcissism incarnate) identitarianism in-general and walls over un-owned land (communal property doesn't work as A r i s t o t l e said). It's peoples' free and private transactions. Harbinger/bad-ally puppet president.... Possibly bringing in net neutrality under a different name in the Internet Bill of Rights look up Eso's video debunking 'hammer. Wake up people! Can go on and on....but this is enough for most to chew on for awhile. Thoughts? Thanks for reading.



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