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10/10/2018 1:28:15 PM

[PS4] Werewolves of Fenrir is recruiting new active members!

Salute to you guardian! We are recruiting new members, if you are adult, cooperative, and willing to play with a clan we have a spot for you. As an easy going clan with stuff getting done we want more people to play with. We have helpful admins, chill people, and crazy attitude collecting that loot! We do everything, pvp and pve vice, mostly focusing pve, but we won't say no to Iron banner or Gambit. Raiding we are willing to learn together instead of randoms. We are global clan so English skills are necessary. Also mic for raiding lol. We have discord clan chat where we invite u instantly if u join the clan. Time zones differ with us so patience is sometimes a good for ya. If you got interested, or want to ask more questions, contact me (Waakuro) and as a leader I'll answer you asap to fill your curiosity! Have a good time guardian!



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