I think everyone would like to have a solid number, or at least I like them. So I thought I'll ask.
Bungie, can you please clarify this line?
[quote]Nightfall unique rewards will drop more consistently; the longer players go without a unique drop, the higher their chances of a unique reward on their next Nightfall completion[/quote]
How high is high? [b]Is there a point where the drop is guaranteed[/b], like 10 Strikes, 100 Strikes? It would ease my mind if I would know "Okay, worst case scenario, I have to do this ten more times and I get my gun".
I think we all know how it is to run a Nightfall Strike 80 times and not getting the drop you want (looking at you D.F.A.).
A better idea is to just scrap this whole nightfall specific loot nonsense and bring back skeleton keys and chests
I think that after your one hundredth completion, the drop rate is increased by 0.04%.
Also why do the same 4 nightfalls keep rotating? I haven’t seen strange terrain in a month, and I don’t think some have even shown up since Forsaken.
TRUUUUSSSSTT ME,,,, D.F.A is not worth it. Sure just to have it in your vault but it’s not that great anymore in PvP it can be out done by everything. I spent 7 hours farming it. And took it into the crucible and I was pretty disappointed. But at the end of the day I might just suck...
由Fishyb編輯: 10/31/2018 7:12:28 AM
.002% chance .004% chance .008% chance .016% chance .032% chance .064% chance .128% chance .256% chance .512% chance .1024% chance .2048% chance .4096% chance .8192% chance 1.6384% chance 3.2768% chance 6.5536% chance 13.1072% chance 26.2144 % chance 52.4288% chance 100% chance
由Mace-4k編輯: 10/31/2018 6:14:34 PMI want numbers. For almost every update I'd really like to see more numbers. Makes upcoming changes much more palpable than spongy statements like "We increased [x] by a lot/little"
It's the same thing as EP basically. In my experience, you'll have one in 10 runs Max. But that's just my experience and it may vary.
I want it all to have numbers and for us to see the hidden stats like recoil direction and aim assist. That and they need this system for exotics. There should be a list of things exotics can come from that includes everything. And let me see my friend's health :)
Getting more specific percentages for a lot of things would be nice. Kind of sick of having to do all this random guess work to try and figure out the percentages for things like seed of light drops, EP weapon drops, exotic drops, even basic things like how much a mod increases your super gain is consistently ambiguous, and it makes no sense. Been one of the biggest and most consistent annoyances i have had with destiny since the beginning.