hunter dodge doesn't really "dodge" per se anybody who can aim can shoot thru it.
so the only real use is the melee recharge/ reload
so heres my suggestion
[spoiler]rename it to enhancement roll[/spoiler]
but in all seriousness i think it should be a straight up speed boost
double speed
why not?
Remove all aim assist to people aiming at a hunter dodging. Make the dodge faster. Make the dodge cover more range. Now dodge is an actual dodge and not just a fancy looking reload 😉
I think it would be cool if there was some sort of exotic armor piece where its main exotic perk made your dodge have like a 2 or 1 second cooldown, however your dodge would not reload your weapon and gamblers dodge did not recharge your melee, but you take 30-50 percent less damage during the dodge animation.
I thinks aztecross said this in a video but dodging breaks aim assist on consoles at least. So it’s still useful, you just have to use it right
Maybe make it cover more distance and make it much faster. Tbh I prefer the fast reloads to my Titan barriers.
I was playing hunter yesterday and I think dodge is fine, sure saved my butt a couple of times.
I was thinking about this the other day, in one case the dodge is barely even a sidestep. I think the distance traveled needs to change, because I swear I can manually move side to side faster than it takes to double tap circle...
Yeah, increasing mobility with sprint speed and silent running sounds more hunterish than what we have now. Hunters should be the most nimble class... think we can all agree it's anything but that.
由TheCyo編輯: 11/19/2018 12:48:05 PMThere is no reason to dodge as evasive maneuver on PC. Slide is more powerful and has no cooldown. A said elsewhere that the two class attributes of Hunter are a sure way to get killed on PC (Jump means dead because in the air, dodge is a very predictable movement where you can not shoot back).