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11/28/2018 10:07:56 PM

Why nerfs can be good for games

To everyone having a bit of a freak out about the ikelos shotgun (trenchbarrel) nerf let me explain to you why nerfs in video games can be good for them. Ikelos shotgun was capable of dishing out more dps than any other special weapon in the game, it also out performed alot of power weapons including many exotics across both catergories. Now i imagine your first response to this is buff those weapons, let me tell you why nerfing 1 perk is better than buffing everything else. Because we end up in this exact same position. If everything is buffed then the activities become too easy so the enemies will get buffed leading us right back to where we are, sounds a bit pointless right? Not too mention in the process we have to go through weeks if not months of updates as the devs spend countless man hours adjusting weapons and perks to the level of ikelos shotgun (trench barrel). Which means they spend less time on future content, bug fixes and general improvements to the game? Is it really worth going without new gear, activities and improvements just so you dont have to melee every 3 shots? Another reason its a good change is because it makes all other energy weapons more relevant. How often have you found a cool new weapon in the energy/special slot to find yourself weighing it up against the ikelos shotgun? Making the gap between weapons less noticable gives other weapons a chance to shine sure some weapons should be better than others because it makes them more unique and interesting but having a weapon that hands down destroys all others makes for a pretty stale game. As for the nerf itself, alot of people are over reacting as to what they changed. Trench barrel now procs for 3 shots meaning that it still has the overall damage potential that it used to have(if not slightly higher due to extra melee damage) but its burst damage is lowered which is actually a really great way to handle nerfing an over powered perk. It can still be used to deal with majors and add clear like what special weapons should be used for, the only thing it effects is boss dps where like i said it can still do the damage just not as fast which makes encounters a slight bit more challenging and improves activities like gambit where boss melting is a bit of a joke. If you get into the rythym of doing a melee every 3 shots the gun will still perform well it just lets other weapons have a chance to compete. Im not saying nerfs are the only answer but when you weigh up the options they can be the best answer. If theres one thing you take away from my ramblings is just stay open minded to change and always think of the reasons behind it, it may not always be obvious as to why things are happening but just try and think of reasons behind it. Feel free to discuss below. Have a wonderful day Guardians.



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  • Destiny community for you. OP down voted to 0. Because the word "nerf". The OP is exactly right but most of the people that are on this forum don't want to hear it. I recommend reddit if you want the posts without the salt.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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