BUG: The Hollowed Lair - Mindbender's Ambition Drop
Wanted to make sure this was saved and for once I remembered (of course it was due to how immediate and how mad I am about this but whatever).
Here is video footage of me and my friends doing the nightfall just moments ago, and I received a drop...the rest is in the video (hint it was supposed to be a masterworked Mindbender's Ambition).
I have read before about something similar but I thought it was fixed (and not related to this nightfall specifically). Bungie, I'd appreciate if this was fixed for everyone else...I imagine I'm SOL myself though.
Thanks, have a good one.
Yeah, unfortunately you are SOL as you suspected. This is a known issue and tracked in the [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/249468791?sort=0&page=0]Known Forsaken issues thread[/url].
[quote]Masterwork Weapons in Nightfall: We are investigating reports where weapons can drop Masterworked in the Nightfall, but if it's sent to the Postmaster, it becomes a regular weapon.[/quote]