One-Eyed Mask, Nova Warp, and Shards of Galanor balancing (from a Hunter main since D1)
This is just my personal opinion, which I know others may share, and Titans would agree with. In terms of each class having an "OP" ability or exotic, I believe we can all agree that there are a main 3 being, 'Shards of Galanor' for Hunters, 'One Eyed Mask' for Titans, and the 'Nova Warp' class for Warlocks with it's many potent abilities.
From the beginning (D1) it was my understanding that the 3 classes had their special roles. Warlocks were offensive, Titans we're defensive, and Hunters landed somewhere in the middle. In the current meta with these 3 abilities and exotics available, people are complaining that Hunter 'Blade barrage' is too good, Titan's 'One-eyed mask' gives too much shield and bonus damage, and Warlock 'Nova Warp' class is just OP as heck.
If we look at the role each one plays in crucible, I'd say Hunters serve a purpose of strategically shutting down supers like 'Nova Warp' etc. On the other hand when 'Shards of Galanor' enter the equation, you can now possibly get your super back with 2kills. In my opinion, as a hunter main I'm cool with having that chance of getting my super fully back. I wouldn't be opposed to them nerfing it down to just having us gain super but not fully getting it back.
When it comes to Titans in PVP I'll say this, having many friends who main Titan, they need some love. In terms of supers theirs are good but not great. One-eyed mask is their biggest advantage in the crucible, and some folks are asking for it to be nerfed. Now I don't own this exotic but I've faced many in the crucible, and I'll say if you're a good player wielding One-eyed mask then you will benefit, because the helmet rewards skill and the ability to win your gun-fights. Now the argument can be made that the benefits are too much and last too long. I ask all the Titan mains, if the change to come for One-eyed mask was to limit the timer for the overshield and bonus damage to 7 seconds or so would you be opposed? It's basically simulating a player in a super for a limited amount of time which I have no problems with.
Finally for the Nova Warp, this class fits the mold perfectly for Warlocks being offensive, too well...let me explain, and correct me if I'm wrong. Nova Warp allows the user to; 1)Charge one hit grenades with an overshield protecting them 2) Melee-kill and explode enemy targets possibly damaging others in the surrounding area 3) Super multiple enemies with good range on burst for a good amount of time, and blink far distances to cover most maps with your ability. Now these abilities are all available to Warlocks with NO need for an exotic to boost them, unlike the other 2 classes that perform better with the 2 previously mentioned exotics. 'Nova Warp's' purpose is to wreak havoc but it needs to be tuned down a bit. You shouldn't be able to charge as many burst as you're currently able to, nor should you be able to blink across the map and kill multiple groups of people with minimal super drain after using your super. The same feeling people currently have with Hunter's 'Way of the Wraith' is the same feeling people have had with Nova Warp since Forsaken launched. It's a very cool super and has a place in the game, but it needs have the super drain increased on the light burst and have the super drain increased on the blink. Whatever those numbers need to be I'll leave up to Bungie to be decided.
If you've read this far appreciate your interest in the topic, and I'd love to discuss it further with you. No negativity coming from me, just my own critique on balancing.