Stop Complaining About Forges(complain about the glitches as much as u want doh)
Please, stop saying its stupid bungie made the forge so "hard" just because you cant beat it on the first day because your 600 doesn't mean its horrible. If you took your time and did a few milestones and got to 605 you would see that it is WAAAAAAYYYYY easier. Also if your saying that you cant play any black armory content day one, 1: you have breakneck, loaded question, and the mountaintop. 2: This wasn't a full blown new DLC like Forsaken or even dare I say, CoO.
Now if your complaining about the oh so many glitches in the forge. You good bro, the batteries will refuse to pick up and they randomly bounce off(i found it effective to throw them at the edge of the pillar things) i will also agree that i don't like bungie postponing last word for the release of anthem so you have to play destiny. and lets hope to the gods of bungie devs. its not thunderlord timegated.
Edit: and they already nerfed the power level so stfu