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由Gogogogoman編輯: 12/14/2018 10:45:28 PM

Curse of Osiris Box 11 dropped early, now I can't get box 8

Hi, I've been playing through the Curse of Osiris prophecy boxes. I just completed my 10th box, and went to brother vance to receive my next prophecy box and instead I'm presented with the options where I can get bounties, turn in faction resources, etc. I've yet to receive the 8th prophecy box, and now I'm concerned some issue in the game has now made it impossible for me to receive the box. Perhaps this may be related: after I'd turned in about 4-5 boxes, brother vance gave me the 11th box leading to the remains of Saint 14 questline. Please help! I'd like to complete the 8th box and collect the Infinite Paths 8 gun so I can complete the Curse of Osiris and Warmind Collections badge. Thank you, Michael Lang



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