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由Solarvoidlock編輯: 12/23/2018 6:43:56 PM

Anyone shopping groceries last minute before Christmas? It's horrible!

And this year it's even worse because Christmas Eve is on a Monday and people weren't able to shop on Sunday (shops are closed on Sundays here). So the only day people can shop is between 3 days where they can't shop (stores are closed on Christmas and the day after). People will go nuts! I was buying some groceries on Christmas Eve 6 years ago, and the lines started in the entrance area and ended in the back of the food market. And all the -blam!-ing slow old people that walk so slow and pay with small change. "Granny if you didn't slow me down I'd be in the line before those 5 mothers with jam-packed shopping carts!" I was thinking of buying hamburger ingredients before Christmas, but I don't know if I would make it out of the supermarket alive.



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