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12/28/2018 10:34:45 AM

Veteran Account. . .

Hello Bungie, i have been a fan of your games for years now and I really like your work but however. I have tried to talk to you about an Issue I had with transferring my Xbox 360 Destiny to Xbox One, it wouldn't happen so I had to restart all my hours of gameplay on the One. What bugs me now is i got Destiny 2 Just before Forsaken but have no Legacy!? I have tried to Ignore it and keep playing but i can't help but feel cheated, I would delete all my progress and restart for my legacy/ veteran account if i had to. Bungie could you try and get back to me on this one please? Thankyou



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  • You needed to have a Xbox one at the time of the original divergence from Xbox 360 to Xbox one. Because long the go Bungie told everyone to upgrade their systems or you can keep playing but nothing past a certain date will be transferred I think it was before rise of iron came out. So you might be out of luck. sorry man



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