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由Turtle編輯: 1/5/2019 8:59:18 AM

Black Armory Quests completely broken for me

I started the black armory on my titan, finished the first couple steps of the frame to unlock the forge, and then finally did the forge today. The quest told me to talk to ADA-1 and I did (which unlocked weekly forges and ADA-1 bounties for me for the first time). After talking to her, there is no new quest in my inventory and I have nothing to go forward with. I doubled checked with my friend and he got the quest to go forward in his inventory. I have no black armory quest markers on any maps, nor anything in my inventory to go forward and ADA-1 does not have any quest for me to continue. I did the quest line on my Titan character. I would really appreciate if you could help recover the quest step for me or even just reset my black armory progress altogether so that I can restart and hopefully keep the quest all the way through this time. Thank you for the help, have a nice day!



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  • 由GrundleBeans編輯: 1/5/2019 10:27:15 AM
    Completing the first forge should have gotten you the Hammerhead machine gun. If you haven't gotten it, you need to complete one of the weekly bounties to get a Ballistic Log, which you use to pick a powerful frame from Ada. When you pick up a frame you'll be tasked with a series of steps to prepare it, then you visit Ada and she tells you to go to the forge to complete it. There are also Secret Black Armory bounties that drop that your friend might have gotten that you didn't.



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