If an alien creates an entity or being does it have a soul also?
If man creates AI with emotions does that then have a soul?
Would the creator be the god or does it also serve higher entities or “god?”
If everything is universally connected on some level or mode of the same stars and matter between the stars, does that alien have connection to god? Are they the higest form or are their tiers to it on the universal scale of things like a court in human terms.
Do aliens have souls and serve a higher purpose or are they themselves the highest form of intelligence?
I bet if anything we concieve is real somewhere maybe there's are places like that. I could see there being a Hivemind where they simply think and carry our orders but they don't necessarily have souls. Or something else more deep that I have no idea of at the moment.
I believe everything has a soul... except gingers. Gingers don’t have souls. [spoiler]JK no hate please[/spoiler]
*enters through a fog of vape* *puts shades on* Heh... With what I've seen, kid, nobody has souls... You've a lot to learn about the multiverse, kid... They'll eat you alive out there, mark my words... Oh- and kid, Trust no one.... *lights up transdimensional heelies and disappears back into the vape fog*
Depends on your notions of God. Its God separate from Creation.....or Creation Itself? The Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) tend to see God as separate from Creation. So all these questions become mysteries, or theological enigmas. Asian spiritual traditions (especially those of the Indian subcontinent ) tend to see God as Creation itself. So God is in Everything. Everything is God...and there is nothing but God. So the issue isn't one of having a "soul". Its that every thing is a manifestation---in form---of Universal Consciousness. Just with differing levels of complexity...and self-awareness. Humans only being special beause we are the MOST complex and the MOST self-aware. But in a Universe spanning 14 billion light years in every direction and more stars than there grains of sand on every beach on the entire planet.....there are almost certainly even more complex and even more 'evolved" manifestations of that consciousness than human beings.
First we’d need to define what a soul is and demonstrate that it exists for me to answer that. But the possible creation of sentient A.I. does raise important questions of how we think about ethics.
由FelifluxMadness編輯: 1/7/2019 7:47:33 AM[ [i]hits blunt[/i] ] [spoiler]The electromagnetic fields shared by all Beings on this World, or the next, form the Voices which compose the Cosmic Fugue of the Universal Mind. Collectively, They form the concept we may think of as "God", and the magnetic resonances moving inward and outward of these Beings the concept of "Spirit", drifting endlessly through the ocean of Space and Time. Consciousness is not a necessity to Being. Being is not a necessity to the possession of "Spirit". Together, We as the collection of sub-atomic particles that have evolved to a state in which we can interpret this vast Plane around and inside of Us, make up but a tiny fraction in the Infinitude of the Universal Mind, of which We are, All of Us, a part...[/spoiler] [ [i]exhales a bloom of blue smoke[/i] ]
由Solarvoidlock編輯: 1/7/2019 10:24:38 AMNo. A being only has a soul when it has been created by God. Only God has the "soulgiver license". Only he creates true life. No. Robots are born dead. They are a simulation. They are not connected to the universe. God is the creator and the creator is God, and he is the highest being. Extraterrestrial beings are just another lifeform created by God and they are probably the same tier as everything else including us humans. They have souls. They might be more intelligent than we are, but that doesn't make them higher tier or better and more important in the eyes of God.
... Trick question because aliens don't exist... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]