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1/19/2019 11:09:39 PM

The recent glory change has worsened matchmaking on PC

Following the update from a few days ago which had the intention of matching you with players closer to your glory rank, I've had enough games completed to say the update has made the experience worse overall. 1. Bungie said we would see an increase in time to find a game If anything, I've noticed my matches are almost instant each time and I have to watch the counter so I can leave when a four stack joins. 2. Bungie said the system will match you with people closer to your glory rank. I am at ~1200 Glory on PC this season so far. Almost every game I've been in since the change was where my team had +- 100 of my glory, but the other team was at least 500-100 points higher in glory. [u]Other notes:[/u] 1. I primarily queue as a solo player. The number of teams I have been matched against has gone up drastically since the update 75% of my games are against a team of three or more. 2. I live near NYC and have a 2Gb fiber connection. I can reach most East coast data centers for other games in 2-5ms. Using a firewall script, I can ping back any host which hits my firewall over the Destiny ports, outputting their latency, IP, and geo location. The amount of players in other countries and on the West Coast of the US out numbers the players I find within 500 miles of myself drastically. I would estimate I am only seeing nearby players in only 10% of the matches I play. The latency difference to those players has decreased hit registration on enemy players. The latency has also made shots appear to stack, meaning if I see they hit me once, they have hit me 2-4 times. Super attacks aren't doing damage correctly at all. [u]Resolution Ideas:[/u] 1. Add a queue setting option so I can restrict my matches to geographically nearby 2. Use crucible labs to add a solo queue option for a bit. Your past system implementations have been flawed and was later discovered to not be functioning correctly. The single player playlist queue you did in D1 most likely wasn't implemented correctly. 3. Implement a high latency kick system to where if a player's latency to the authoritative host is greater than everyone else by a fair amount, then they should be returned to lobby.



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