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1/23/2019 7:34:00 AM

Promotions [O-BoS]

Attention citizens of Offtopia this is the head of the Off-topic Chapter of the BoS. [spoiler]I have received word from the Lost Hills command. They have appointed me as Elder of the Off-topic Chapter and as such have given me reign to act as I see fit without the need for constant report to command. As newly appointed Elder....[/spoiler] Faithful soldiers of our cause, I have good news for you all. Superspartan, Texas Jedi, and Mandalorian you are henceforth to be awarded with the title of Paladin and shall have all the benefits that come with your promotion. May steel be with you in your deeds. === We have made great progress in the previous weeks accruing knowledge and allies in this blasted wasteland. There have been no shortage of hardships, but we will ensure as we always have. Today we look to the future of this wasteland, a future filled with promise, and of dread. With the absence of several key political figures within so short a time we can only assume that a takeover is imminent, the recent annihilation of the #Gaming commonwealth also bodes ill for this land. === We accept any and all friends and recruits who share our values: the protection of humanity itself, from itself. New recruits are ever encouraged to honour our ranks with your presence. Signing off, this Elder Ringer of the Off-topic Chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel. [b][i]Ad Victoriam![/i][/b]
#Offtopic #bos



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