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2/20/2019 8:47:17 AM
I doubt anyone that cares or is going to do anything about this problem will read this, but this is getting out of hand. The state of RNG in this game is not okay in my opinion, at least for raid drops. This game has become no fun for me besides the occasional crucible night with friends. It took me 35 clears of last wish to receive my One Thousand Voices. Granted some of those couldn't drop me loot from helping friends or something, but I thought that was as bad as it could get in regards to RNG. I know some people have gone longer without seeing it drop either. And now with Scourge of the Past, I have just completed my 39th run, again a few clears from helping friends, and have yet to see Anarchy. It is going to take me a minimum of at least 40 clears to get a gun that people are getting their first time through this raid. That's cool and all and I know that's how the game works sometimes as it's an MMO type RPG but come on. This is now the only reason I play this game. I get on a couple times a week to get through scourge just to see how many runs it is going to take to get a weapon. I have done this raid on 3 characters a week since drop if you disregard the first week or two used to level up my characters. Even as a hardcore player(more than 773 hours logged, 32 days spent playing Destiny 2) that this game is supposed to be catered to recently, I feel like I'm getting a big middle finger from the company. I won't even go into RNG required for titles because I gave that up a long long time ago. Anyways rant over I guess. My story is just one of many that will keep me from investing time, effort, and money in this game and series in the future.



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  • [quote]This is now the only reason I play this game. I get on a couple times a week to get through scourge just to see how many runs it is going to take to get a weapon.[/quote] This is why it’s the way it is. If you get the drop then you’ll stop playing. If you stop playing for 2 weeks, don’t do as much as launch D2, then come back you’ll get Anarchy within a couple of clears. The RNG has been like this since D1, you need to stop playing to reset it.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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