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2/25/2019 12:47:07 PM

Experiencing Networking Issues

Hi, I've recently upgraded my internet connection to the NBN (Australian User in Brisbane) and am now experiencing constant networking issues.I am playing on an Xbox One S via a wireless connection. I can login to the game just fine, select my character and travel to a landing zone (I.E Tower, EDZ) but upon arrival there are no NPC's, No enemies, Players are invisible etc. I can still see information on the lower left feed, (Orbs of light generated, players nearby) and accept patrols, but about every 20-30 seconds I get a black screen and a networking issue notification. After a long time of this, it will eventually boot me from the game with the error code : LETTUCE. I have tried power cycling my router, connecting the router directly with an ethernet cable, power cycling my xbox, clearing my internet settings, clearing my xbox cache, factory resetting my router and multiple other household-end attempts to rectify the issue to no avail. The game runs just fine when I connect through my phones mobile hotspot otherwise though. Please contact me with any information or help that would alleviate the issue, as I need to get back to this game.



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  • Try going through the steps in this article. The error you are getting is due to packet loss. If you are running wired and follow the steps in the article you may need to work with your ISP to correct it.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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