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2/28/2019 12:25:32 AM

Anyone familiar with these written works??? Good stuff, can't wait to buy copies. Only 5 (young) bux. Two sweet! \^^/ Don't buy from this company though, find another distributor that isn't in-bed with big government. Good stream, GREAT individuals! THE STATE IS TOO DANGEROUS TO TOLERATE! Read B. F u l l e r's Critical Path as well, GOOD STUFF, not even on PAGE ONE PROPER AND THIS USER WANTED TO BUY IT FULL PRICE! D. F r i e d m a n recently publishes more works on polycentric law and the founder of R e d d i t has opined about parpolity -- polycentric social organization that could render the current 'political system' of failure and psychopathy -- OBSOLETE. A. d e J a s a y seems to have some books out there this user as an avid AnCap-opinion-holder and reader/listener that went unnoticed to this user's knowledge and eyes and am going to have to check out this dude's work more. Is anyone else familiar with Mister A d J? Decentralized, localized, systems of VOLUNTARY social organization based on polycentric law for credit, arbitration, and defense/legitimate force will allow for an increase in universal sustainability and a decrease in illegitimate force because a welfare/warfare economy -- the lifeblood of the monopoly on credit, arbitration, and legitimate force known as the State -- and its push-pull factors being rendered obsolete via including but not limited to: blockchain technology, smart contracts, zero-trust software, and cryptocurrencies, means less sociopaths would be made and born-psychopaths wouldn't be able to exploit systems-at-play as easily with the absence of deficit trading and artifical credit expansion and inflation. As it's said at the end of The Hidden Secrets of Money videos, sound money and free trade lead to peace and prosperity. Peace, Luv, and ANARCHY! /Begin the expropriation of the illegitimate Federal government



以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • Thanks, bump.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • Back? Didn't 'leave'. Posted a few topics the other day/past week and no one really replied, been doing other stuff came here after reading some more, trying to engage in healthy unlikely as that is in this wretched hive of scum and villainy....andsubsidized agitprop actors for neocons and neolibs, mainly Izzyhel. Sup?



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

    2 回覆
    • You haven’t half cleaned up the way you post . Well done. I read nearly all of it.



      以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

    • Nice to see you.



      以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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      • [b]FICK FICK -blam!- IFKC FILCC [/b]



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      • Good to be back huh?



        以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

      • HAHAHA! Awww....thanks mysterious dood! Well, yuh can't say eye didn't try....well scratch that, do or do not do....thar be no try. Just read as many comments and comment threads in the comment section of this JRE about sums up what's going on in the world and with this user and this forum is a microchosm of it all, as some boards can be. games of groups making up society (they DO NOT) and the belief in zero-sum games are always a thing and one MUST pick a side that is hypocritical in and of itself, as is the other, usually, if referring to the statist-variety. Can't further the depopulation agenda and have to further the search for truth and luv in the world, under it, and beyond it. When virtue fails, or vice, use the other as a backup, as a tandem against doing something 'they', the untruthers and haters who wish to see yrself, mself, and dam near everyone on Earth ded or enslaved or both want yuh to do! Have seen too many dark days, personally and with regards to others and the various 'cides (sides invariably and inevitably lead to 'cides). Ex: A d-bag sibling one doesn't like/isn't liked by thinks yuh will become a serial-whatever...if virtue/s fail at preventing one from strongly considering to the point of almost DOING such an act, remember that not only is it WRONG to do that, when not thinking clearly/in an agitated mindset, recall playground bullies or that sibling talking to press and others in one's life after one's deth/being shot, and TRASHING/SLANDERING yuh to the world, WRITING YR OWN STORY and yuh have no ability to give a rebuttal to the jury in the court of public opinion. That the sibling is smug and happy about being RIGHT about yuh and those playground bullies stealing yr former significant other and getting her/him to fit yuh into THEIR narrative of yr life, that there are WORSE people/monstrs out there who are WORSE than yuh and are now seen as the good guys. Doesn't that brn yuh up inside? Out of pure spite, to prove those prycks WRONG, out of vanity, narcissism (of wanting to live as perfect life as possible defined by one's OWN boundaries/idea of how their playthrough of the game of life with no savepoints should go), lust for future conquests of the other sehxxx, WHATEVER, lust for truth and to see aliens and technology yuh wanted to have as a youngster from futuristic shows....USE that as a double-edged sword as it is, not just vices to moderate or avoid, but fuel when in that frame of mind to NOT commit suicyde or kyll people when accused of growing up to be a serial kyller, say. Should ever virtue not be enough....prove the haters wrong out of pure spite. Otherwise THEY win. The new/old world order and aliens and negative hyper-dimensional/inter-dimensional/trans-dimensional psychic vampyrs! And this user DOESN'T LIKE seeing people's plans come together when those people don't deserve such riches and connections and likes to see more deserving people be rewarded their just desserts respectively. Good peoples' plans coming together, bahd guys' not so much. Now to define good guys and bahd guys....that's another problem. Again polylogism (a la a M i s e s . o r g article on Cultural Mrxism for reference). There IS OBJECTIVE bahd....BUT what is good is usually subjective. 'Conservatives' (hayt labels, using this loosely) see things as black-and-white and one OUGHT to do the white thing. 'Liberals' (again, hayt labels, and using this loosely and in the modern 'merican lexiconographical context) see things as shades of gray only and one OUGHT to do charitable works and if one does NOT they are the opposite, namely evl. This is NOT a teetr-tottr at the playground! JUST DON'T BE EVL! Don't go against how the universe unfolds, how it diffuses. Read Hrbrt Spencr and Aristotl and Kahnt. Science ANDreligion MUST concede to the other some things. The story of philosophy is a good book and may be in yr local bookstore but it's HORRIBLY written and the author bashes some and praises others in it wrongly. Eye didn't want to buy a book that praises Hegl and bashes Spencr. More Playtonic philosopher king aristocracy statist garbage, but the book had some bright spots despite not covering more people, it got some of Spencr and Aristotl and Leucippuhs' points across. From nebulae to planets to mountains, the universe TELLS people what Natural Law is, man's law is superficial or redundant. Not everyone has to subscribe to one's beliefs but no social-engineering is required, it is the interaction BETWEEN those of different beliefs, arbitration in disputes, that is the heart of the matter today, NOT the moral imperative but the empirical premise, a la a Foundation for Economic Education article that was FANTASTIC (the mistake yuh make in every argument is the title)! Essentially private property is CRITICAL and theft is the ultimate negative action. Mrdr, rayp, larceny, destruction, enslavement, ALL come back to and boil down to theft. Of life, luv, pursuit of happiness, of TRUTH! To be anti-Truth is the definition of Saytanyk. Be pro-truth. One does not need the State or religion to keep their ego in-check and vices are not crimes (Spoonr). Just be like Googl's old mantra read or the Hyppocratik oath and don't be evl. Liberal and conservative are action-process descriptors NOT something to 'identify' as and see others as, by the way. G'night! Malo periculosam, libertatum quam quietum servitutum! -T. Jeffrsn One of the least suckiest prezzes.



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      • You are one of my favorite people here. Your posts always have this odd optimism that I admire.



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