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2/28/2019 12:25:32 AM

Anyone familiar with these written works??? Good stuff, can't wait to buy copies. Only 5 (young) bux. Two sweet! \^^/ Don't buy from this company though, find another distributor that isn't in-bed with big government. Good stream, GREAT individuals! THE STATE IS TOO DANGEROUS TO TOLERATE! Read B. F u l l e r's Critical Path as well, GOOD STUFF, not even on PAGE ONE PROPER AND THIS USER WANTED TO BUY IT FULL PRICE! D. F r i e d m a n recently publishes more works on polycentric law and the founder of R e d d i t has opined about parpolity -- polycentric social organization that could render the current 'political system' of failure and psychopathy -- OBSOLETE. A. d e J a s a y seems to have some books out there this user as an avid AnCap-opinion-holder and reader/listener that went unnoticed to this user's knowledge and eyes and am going to have to check out this dude's work more. Is anyone else familiar with Mister A d J? Decentralized, localized, systems of VOLUNTARY social organization based on polycentric law for credit, arbitration, and defense/legitimate force will allow for an increase in universal sustainability and a decrease in illegitimate force because a welfare/warfare economy -- the lifeblood of the monopoly on credit, arbitration, and legitimate force known as the State -- and its push-pull factors being rendered obsolete via including but not limited to: blockchain technology, smart contracts, zero-trust software, and cryptocurrencies, means less sociopaths would be made and born-psychopaths wouldn't be able to exploit systems-at-play as easily with the absence of deficit trading and artifical credit expansion and inflation. As it's said at the end of The Hidden Secrets of Money videos, sound money and free trade lead to peace and prosperity. Peace, Luv, and ANARCHY! /Begin the expropriation of the illegitimate Federal government



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