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3/6/2019 6:29:39 PM

The Outbreak Pushes But The Cure Rises..

Attention my Calvary, my friends, and my citizens. A threat rises, a vile filled with radiation has infected our people. But fret not, the cure has already arrived. *Holds out a white rose* This is a SOUL flower. They contain healing properties that can make a person recover from anything. How I got these I can't tell. Because a poll said no one wanted to hear my backstory. At a secluded area in Off topic where the fields are vast, I've been growing these flowers, ever since I got here. Me and my associates at the department have been working on this for awhile, and now seems like a good time to release our new [i]"weapon"[/i]. *Holds up a bullet* This is a bullet filled with SOUL extract. When ever it hits it explodes, and it dissolves into the veins restoring life. My Calvary, I bestow this weapon to you. Use it to ward off the unjust. Judgement is calling.



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