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3/20/2019 8:49:14 PM

[PS4] [The Power Galactic] [Recruiting social, easy going, friendly folks, [21+/WorkingClass]] Hello Guardians! We are looking in the friendzone to find like-minded individuals - who are looking to make more friends and have a good time finding loot in this solar system! Come join us - 1. Add Admin in-game PSN 2. Join us for a game or two and get invited to clan 3. Interim (get-to-know you period) 4. A week later you are one of us! one of us! We like jokes, are working class folks so don't have all day to spend in front of the console and have other responsibilities in life - But we LOVE Destiny and also have expanded into other games sometimes. We are some returning players and some old timers and looking for ALL TIMEZONES. We are re-building our group and will look to mix and match EST, CST, PST and GMT+ Asia Timezones!! [u][b]To Join -[/b][/u] [b]Reply to this thread with -[/b] Age, Location and Main Subclass to get an invite An Admin will add you on PSN and invite you to party chat when possible! #saynotorage #ps4 #friendzone #alltimezones #raidhelp



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