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由RingLeader77編輯: 4/18/2019 6:39:46 AM

What I want to do for Off-topic if I am Elected

Dear, fellow Offtopickles I am here today to accept the nomination for candidacy from my good friends who bumped me. First of all things everyone, whether one who has already decided to vote for me or one who knows they will never vote for me for whatever reason, deserve to know what it is I stand for in regards to this election and what I will accomplish in my term in office should I be elected. The previous administration, which I have deep respect for, has been a fine example of leading Off-topic on the straight and narrow, keeping us as great as we ever have. That said I do not believe we have seen any progress for the better or any moves to increase the power of the people in the government. If you elect me, I will move to increase user participation in government activities by: -Fully Recognizing the Senate as a Third Branch of Government with midterm elections set inbetween presidential elections. The Chancellor would be the third in line to the presidency and in case of the death, removal, quitting, or total absence of the immediate heirs the Chancellor is awarded emergency powers as head of state. (The Senate was established in the previous administration but due to the tense nature of the happening I believe it would be best to make it official) -I will instate a United Nations for all factions of Off-topic to come to the board and talk. I am in talks with an individual who will not be named unless they do choose to work out the details of the U.F. -I will initiate tax cuts on scientific researchers and salt miners/Crusaders by 10%. Unlike real world politicians I have a place to get the money that we lose from less taxes from...In response to lower tax rates I will raise the rate of Crusading and Deus Vulting by 20%. -Holding State of the Union addresses. -Possible Increase to the Power of the Judicial Court of Off-topic. These are my initial promises and I am sure there shall be more in the coming weeks. Please feel free to ask me anything you may be wondering about. Depending on what all of you want next I can either start declaring my cabinet, which I have already begun to fill, or state my qualifications for the office. Thank you, all of you good Offtopickles, this is the only website for me and for all of us. Whether I win or lose we are united in this, all of us, even me and my honorable opponents.



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