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3/30/2019 6:30:33 AM

Crimson: Favorite Gun is not so good now.

I remember back in Y1 I discovered Crimson, and it was my baby. I brought it to PVE, I brought it to PVP, I couldn't put it down because it just felt so good after that warmind-era buff. But it's Y2. Crimson is a 110 archetype that does less damage than a 110. How come it was forgotten about when the 110s got their boost? I just wanna see my good boi taken care of, that's all.



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  • With Masterwork, the range makes it viable. Considering it is much easier to use than other 110s and heals you on kills, I guess a damage buff would make it too good? Not that I’d turn my nose up at a damage buff for Crimson though, I also love he gun, especially with the most recent ornament!



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