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由A Tigerstorm編輯: 4/20/2019 1:22:41 AM

In preparation for be upcoming Star Wars movie, I decided to binge anything Star Wars.

That includes but is not limited to: -Movies -TV shows -Books -Games -Comics -Questionable life choices in purchase history (don’t ask, the pizza had it coming) And all of this is hopefully to be done BEFORE the next Star Wars movie in December. Think I can make it? [spoiler]It’s gonna be a challenge getting through the prequels. Not the Clone Wars, but the movies themselves. [/spoiler] EDIT: Already in past the first 2 movies. Clone wars is up next (something I will relish). But...watching palpatine again makes me realize that if he does come back (thanks to the latest teaser) the entire Star Wars universe will get much darker. Palpatine is one sick -blam!-er.



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