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4/22/2019 1:59:13 PM

Hold up....

How are all you PoS, -blam!-, No Life, Sweaty Fat Losers!!.....That's what I was originally gonna say. But how are y'all gonna act like this game is fine. You say the Crucible is fun and all good, but I guarantee your in your party chat with your old friends, getting fired as hell. You wanna go on and on about all this complaining, and us people in the forums. When guess what idiot, you're on forums right now. There so much wrong with game, so much. You're telling me you can just sit on your fat ass, and play Destiny for hours and not SAY ANYTHING about the way this game is. Ok, ligma. I have played since late 2014, and I can literally tell at 16, this game has gone to trash. And you 30+ idiots can't. SMH, I'm done typing, just thinkin about this is annoying. Eyes up guardian!



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  • Wow. Such hostility... maybe it's time to put the game down, relax some, and spend more time in English class working on grammar and writing skills. That alone will better serve your future over pissing and moaning about a game you don't develop or have any control over as well as bashing others that enjoy said game that you will most likely NEVER EVER meet or interact with at any point in real life. Just because this game isn't fine for YOU, doesn't mean it isn't fine for anyone else, enter life lesson #2 (minding your own business and worrying about yourself and what you can control, not worrying about others that have no impact on your own personal real life). If you hate the game go play Anthem, Division 2, or ANYTHING else that isn't this game if it is so bad.



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