Hey, I'm that weird psycho that actually likes using Luna's Howl in PVE. I think it's a great feeling hand cannon that actually has a harder time proccing magnificent howl compared to PVP with all the aim assist. I like shooting majors and bosses in the face and watching mag howl chip away if I don't have heavy, for example. I know it's not an exotic, but I liked using it for verdant forest and reckoning.
The change to Mag Howl will 100% make the gun awful in PVE. precision hits increasing body damage? Why would I ever want to hit a random enemy in the stomach.
I don't think changing Mag Howl the way that you said you would will help the gun be any good for anything.
I don't care about the RPM change, I think that Mag Howl could be changed to ONLY increase precision hits, and a body hit should remove mag howl entirely. Again, this is mostly just for PVE side of things as I don't like using Luna's in PVP.
Please consider both sides of the game when you go for balance changes, Bungie.
Im not saying using lunas in pve is bad. But youll probably find something next season that you like a lot more. New pve pinnacles (even though we know it will suck.), gambit, and crucbile next season. But yeah it sucks that they are nerfing the way they are for people like you who find enjoyment from it.