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由00:43編輯: 5/10/2019 4:00:43 PM

Will I NEVER be able to get Outbreak Perfected?

Edit: If you're having the same issue, check @supermansdoctor 's comment for the answer So I was away on a camping trip for 3 days, and I come back to hear Outbreak Prime was re-added to the game while I was away. Naturally, I was hyped. I hopped on my PC and went to go start the mission with the adventure "Bad Neighbors" on Titan, only to realize that it wasn't there. In it's place was "Siren Song". I played through it in an effort to cycle it or something, restarted the game, changed characters, and nothing. So does this mean ill NEVER be able to get Outbreak Perfected because I was gone for 3 days?



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