Need a clan who’ll help me complete spire before penumbra.
This one clan invited me, but they do everything but spire.
I really want to get a run of normal and prestige at least once before reset Tuesday.
I’ve done lw a few times, done Levi and prestige version a few times, the EoW. Not a scrub I can keep up if someone explains something. I’ve watched vids on how to do the normal version, so know mechanics more or less, just have not gotten to run it.
Bunch of Misfit Guardians is an XB1 Clan of 45 active members. We run pve, raids, gambit, pvp and we have fun doing it together. I can probably make spire happen. Send me a message. We have members across all US time zones so there’s usually someone on to play with.
If you’re interested in seeing what we’re really about send me a message on Xbox gt Mollie Tov.
If you're UK based and 18+, check us out. Currently rebuilding after removing the inactive members.
[i]Vex Dregs N Random Rolls[/i] is a recently rebuilt XB1 clan.
We are UK based - chilled but have a great sense of humour to match.
Sitting at 12 members after removing the inactive ones, looking for more awesome, funny players to join us ready for Season of Opulence!!
Currently trying to grind comp for Luna's and Recluse - Guardians [b]below[/b] Fabled are preferred.
Only main requirements are you must be 18+, have a mic and communicate with us in our Discord channel.
[b][u]New members are required to jump in a party with the founder (myself) and an admin within the first week.[/u][/b]
[u]We do not tolerate bullying or offensive behaviour towards our members. [/u]
PvP focused but also dabble in PvE if and when needed - but we are always willing to help others.
We use our Discord channel to communicate, so once you have been accepted into the clan, you will be invited to join our channels.
We have a separate channel for our members who also play Division and other game channels can be added.
Hope to see you in Orbit soon, Guardians.
Our clan profile is here..
Any questions please feel free to message me.