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由Savvage編輯: 6/10/2019 8:31:30 AM

Destiny 2 Lion Rampants need a buff to enhance the gameplay.

I love the lion rampants, they're absolutely my favorite exotic legs for the titan, even with dunemarchers present. But the problem I often run into is that they're more of a hinderance to use than they are tactical/strategic/useful at all. All that you gain is increased airborn accuracy and the ability to shoot while in the air, which is nice but... that's really it? We have so many other exotics that do way more while making the gameplay fun as well. So here I am with a few suggestions to change the perk. First possible change: Kills while in the air grant additional super energy/extend flight duration. This would be super fun to witness, imagine just staying in the air slaying enemies to extend your flight. It would be absolutely amazing to have something fuel your flight duration, so you can really run RAMPANT eh. (Sorry, not sorry.) Second possible change: Kills while in the air reload a portion of ammo directly from reserves. This would also be very useful and provide a reason to be fighting in the air, as currently there is really no reason to do so. This would make Lion Rampants EXTREMELY useful for adclear. Third possible change: kills while in the air apply a sort of rampage buff to damage or increased damage while in the air. I know we can shoot from the air but.. so what? give us some use to make out of it. Note I am not suggesting to have all these changes, only one. Preferebly I would go with option one or two, as they seem the most fun. Anything to enhance/extend flight with kills while flying would be amazing. You'd feel like true air support as you soar over your fireteam throwing hammers and destroying enemies from above with grenade launchers. Thank you all for reading, I am sorry this was a lengthy read. I hope you find it interesting. Offer your ideas down below, fellow guardians, I yearn to hear other opinions about this. Do you think lion rampants would benefit from a change or are they fine right now?



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