let us take shaders apart and mix them up to make custom shaders and the ability to cycle the shaders we already have so you have 4 ways a shader can be applied instead of just one way... with the armor ornament system your adding id like it to be for all armor even exotics so you can make your legendary armor look like an exotic you like the look of without the exotic perk only for armor tho it might break something if its also guns...fully return to the D1 weapon system so luna and trust would be in the first slot and alone as a god would be in the second slot... add a forth weapon slot thats exclusively for melee so we can have custom knifes,swords,axes,hammers and other weapons, your melee would work like normal but if you hold the melee button your knife/sword comes out cus swords arnt heavy weapons and i want to be able to apply shaders to my knife... also add the ability to inspect are weapons in are hands.