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7/18/2019 10:24:10 PM


Hello Destiny Community! I have recently started to pursue my interest in becoming a streamer on Twitch. I’ve always wanted to do it and never thought I was good enough or had the right equipment. I’ve stepped up and started to stream everyday and want to start building a following and be able to entertain viewers each and everyday. I have fun with my fellow destiny friends I have met over the years and look to make new ones that are chill and love this game as much as I do. My clan I’m apart of is named *SquadShot*. We are open to helping anybody we can with crucible or raids or quests. Feel free to stop by the stream and drop a follow, words of advice, or even ask for help with something Thank you for any support that is given. It’s just a basic stream from my PS4 right now but many many upgrades are coming soon!



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