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8/11/2019 9:23:24 PM

Anyone give No Man's Sky a second try?

I was so intrigued by the concept of the game when it released that I picked it up and actually enjoyed it for a while before its reptititivness began to really show. Traded it in as a result, and I never thought I'd revisit it, because to be honest I imagined that the company would have been entirely ruined by their failure, and the subsequent fallout. Fast forward to now, and its it's nice to know Murray truly believed in his vision. The guy likely knew it was possible from early on, and he was committed to seeing it through. Same goes for those on the dev team who stuck it out as well. Evidently though, he projected the development timeline poorly, and was so hyped by his own vision, that he was more interested in getting people to buy the concept he believed in before it came to fruition. The epitome of putting the cart before the horse, I guess. But with everything that has been added, I'm tempted to have a go at it again, and on the marketplace right now its going for about 30 bucks. So, anyone here giving it another go? Anyone actually stick with it this entire time? Thoughts?



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  • 由TheArtist編輯: 8/12/2019 11:47:57 AM
    1. Murray didn’t lie about the game. He made the mistake of talking about the game as a developer when gamers were hearing the game being marketed. Sony threw him and Hello Games under the bus and did nothing to control runaway community hype. 2. The game wasn’t ready for release. Their studio was flooded during development and they lots most of their work on the game. 3. The update on Wednesday, imo, will finally realize their vision for the game. Multiplayer will finally be fully developed. VR support for the entire game will be added (reviews are raving about VR). The graphic footage is [i]stunning [/i]These guys get so much respect from me in how they fought to make the game they envisioned when it would have been so easy to just take the money, and run and hide. 4. Is it worth it? Yes if you have understand what you’re buying. The community was partly to blame for what happened at launch. So many people came to the game with unrealistic expectations. They wanted EVE Online or Star Citizen (ROFL) and got mad when they didnt get an experience that no one promised them. No Man’s Sky is a survival game, and exploration game and a sandbox game (Minecraft in Space) rolled into one. Where you literally have an Universe sized sandbox to play in. If you looking for a game that is about human drama or gives you a tightly scripted experience? You’re going to be bored. But if you like games you can play creatively, and a game that will surprise (and frustrate) you in a thousand little ways? Yes it’s worth it. I think we’re getting the game they wanted to make on Wednesday but weren’t given the time needed.



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