Spending 8 hours a Night after work just to try and get to fabled just to never play competitive makes life a pain, i wish it was Heroic just so those of us that don't want to play competitive could get done with it.
I know its a pinnacle weapon for a reason but with so many people using it, it feels like those of us who don't have it are basically at a disadvantage. plus when it comes to the Title for 2019 and you may be thinking why not get the Revoker, but i would have to win matches wouldn't I...
At this point none of them seem worth it by suffering so much just to get them, also mind you ive Soloed and lfg'ed a bunch only to find bad people or people that cant handle losing so they rage quit. call it luck if you have to but if so i have none of it.
But what are your thoughts on this? will they change it in the next season? I know there are mixed feelings on this so tell me what you think?
(Edit)- I did manage to get the Recluse after some Guardians offered to help me out,plus solo cues. Thank you to those Guardians and i have read said comments as of this edit. Please don't shame people for needing to get it or wanting it, if you don't have the team or good luck when it comes to solo cue'ing then its a lot harder to get.