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8/20/2019 8:25:30 PM

Looking for an adult clan that isn't serious.

I am starting to get back in to D2. I am 32 yrs old, a father of 5 kids, and a passionate gamer. I just want to bs with a group that likes to bs back. I have never been through a raid, but would like to at some point. I am not level 700+, but I am working my way up to it. PSN is X_T0X1C1TY_X



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  • If you've got a sense of humor which it sounds like you do then I think HOUSE FIREBIRD BKNY is for you....come check us clowns out....btw me and my Second in Command are both older than you so we get it...I sent an invite if you want to join....



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  • Hello! We are a growing clan looking for new recruits. 18+ but mainly consist of grown folks. We are active and friendly/social so you MUST have Discord as it is our main means of communication. Very chill and we play to have fun. All skill/power levels are welcome. If you're tired of clans who forget to have fun and take everything seriously, this clan is for you! Come check us out!



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  • Hi dude We are a pretty chilled clan That has broken away from a toxic group We don't take ourselves too seriously but we get the job done We communicate on band our only real requirement We also belong to a gaming community which opens up lfg to another 4 clans all are willing to help We all get along well with no drama which is the way we like to keep it If your interested shoot me a message



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