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9/3/2019 10:27:38 PM

Bungie Reward Premium Seal Pins email claimed but expired

Hi, This is my first forum post and hopefully, I'm posting this correctly. If it's possible to get some support help since the Bungie Store sent me an email today, that would be appreciated. Currently, I have been waiting to use my Bungie Reward codes for 8 out of the 10 Collectible Medallion Pin Seals on the final days since my income was not so great earlier ago. Now I was able to claim my Reward codes for the (Chronicler, Unbroken, Rivensbane, Cursebreaker, Wayfarer, Dredgen, Reckoner, and Blacksmith) Seals Pins on the 29 of August 2019 as the image can tell you on the top right corner. Now I was under the impression that I would be safe to click on those emails with their codes and use them on the Bungie Store since they had an additional date before the Pins would expire on their store. Again I was redirected here by an email from the Store and asked to post this on the #Help forums for help regarding expired codes "If a code expires and players are unable to use a code on the Bungie Store in time, they should make a post on the #Help forums describing the issue for assistance." Hope to hear from someone soon and have this problem resolved with an extension date or resending the codes. Thank you.



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