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由WiErDScIeNcE11編輯: 9/13/2019 1:57:50 AM


To envy one’s position, one’s life. All have wished it.... [i]A shambling shadow appears at the door of the Sheriff’s Office, dark tendrils springing from his body...[/i] The Deep hungers and the Abyss calls... [i]The man busts down the door of the Office lugging a long sword behind him, the aura swallowing the room [/i] THE DEEP HUNGERS FOR YOU! [i]The Room is no more, all is a dark abyss except for a little light of in the distance. For this man once held hope, and you do too.[/i] [i]Do you start your trek to the light?[/i] [spoiler]This part one of two, this piece is player/character specific, some will be able to pass with little issue, others will have a harder time[/spoiler] [spoiler]If you are confused on what the Abyss is, look up darksouls’s abyss, mine acts similar but is an extension of the deep*[/spoiler] no more entries, nothing against you, just need to make sure part 2 works



以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • *A flash and a bang emits from... wherever this is... Suddenly I appear holding a remote, in the dark room.* Hey who turned off the lights? [i]I don’t like this darkness...[/i] Alright *boop* ... [i]um...[/i] It’s not working. [i]what do you mean?[/i] It’s... not working... aww [i]dang it. Well let’s go[/i] Where? [i]the light doofus[/i] Oh okay. Yeah. *I put away my remote and walk towards the light*



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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