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9/13/2019 5:48:26 PM

TWAB written to mislead you. Weapons are getting nerfed not buffed.

The wording on the twab makes you believe that we are getting buffs to various weapons and weapon types. What they left out was that precision damage is getting a 50% nerf. Which means all those buffs they tricked you into thinking were going into effect are actual just overall nerfs that they cleverly mislead you to believe. Shame on you for lying bungie, transparency and fine print are not the same.



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  • 由BlueKiBlast編輯: 9/13/2019 5:53:18 PM
    Lmao get real and learn a thing or too. Red Bars and ONLY RED BARS are getting a precision nerf to be inline with how other enemies handle precision damage. Your new buffs still affect the precision damage possibly the same way (meaning they are still gonna die fast),, infact the body shot damage is going to go up by a lot. Precision damage is calculated by body damage which means the damage you do is still going to be high. Yellow bars and bosses are gonna really feel the impact of the buffs now.



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