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由JFluci99編輯: 11/7/2019 11:43:23 PM

Official Destiny 2 Collector's Edition Cryptoglyph Link Solver [Updated 11/07/2019]

The paper inside gives guardians an emblem code and a special link to the website with some lore/unfinished runes. [b]NOTE[/b]: Everyone can now visit each link and it will redirect you to a lore entry, but only Collector's Edition owners have access to the special cryptoglyph puzzle links at the bottom after redeeming their emblem. Also, your runes are unique only to you. So 1 person might have 12 runes on their hearts link, but another might have 12 or 10 and their runes look different. To solve the puzzle, look at the map from Eris Morn's note and find the scratch/tally marks next to a symbol. The first symbol actually has the top point of the cryptoglyph (which is where you start the code) marked on the map. There is no indication, so you're gonna have to turn the correct symbols around the whole thing to find the opening. (Try to carefully feel some resistance or look for a weird small black dot between the bottom piece and the bottom ring. Mine was just to the left of the dot. You can also search between each ring for a gap. If you feel resistance or try the dot thing and it won't pull, try turning the rings to the other side [180 degrees]) [type the link here] (In order of lore) 1. Hearts 2. Endure 3. Dust 4. Hope 5. Poison (Cryptoglyph might be one [discovered from a link in your comments] but it said I have to solve the puzzle and put in the code when I've already done that. Also, I've gotten 404 errors when I typed it in manually. Maybe it's just a little buggy, but I don't think it really does anything. ) You could post your unique images below with each link visited or visit /r raidsecrets on Reddit and post there. (I didn't know that people were solving it over there by overlaying each other's images, so I never sent my images until it was too late and we already had access to the lore.)



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