Isn't posting Density stuff on Offtopic, Offtopic?
Edit: How am I on trending?
No. Destiny is the topic of the app/website, with a specific Destiny forum. There are other forums with specific purposes, that also related to Destiny. Help, Lore, etc. are help with Destiny, and the lore of Destiny for example. So Offtopic is the forum specifically created to post about anything that is not Destiny related. Which means that by definition, there is no topic on the Offtopic forum. So no post can ever really be off topic here. Posting about Destiny is inappropriate, because this is the forum for all things that are not Destiny related, and there are appropriate places to specifically post about Destiny, but posting about Destiny or anything else is not off topic, because there is no topic.
It is much worse than that, posting anything non Density related on Offtopic is off topic and therefor on topic, thus anything Density related on Offtopic is on topic and therefor off topic. So not only can you have Density topics on Offtopic, it is the only topic that is allowed on Offtopic because it is on topic in Offtopic and therefor off topic.
It might be just me but do you know when you're in the shower, and you're rinsing your hair and your face is all soapy so you can't open your eyes for a few seconds, I often feel like there is going to be some demonic face millimetres from mine when I'm able to open my eyes again... 😳
Isn't posting Density stuff on Offtopic, Offtopic? Then if it's Offtopic it means it's correct in being Offtopic. So really it should be allowed!
Not necessarily, as the case is that OffTopic isn’t just anything that is off topic. Since the definition of topicality is a relative one dependent upon the subject previously discussed, it means that it is necessary that you consider what the main topic of these forums is, Destiny. This shows that OffTopic isn’t just for anything that doesn’t relate to the forum it takes place in, it is a location for anything that does not relate to the main topic (Destiny). Therefore, a destiny post in OffTopic would be off topic, but it would not belong in OffTopic.