As a new player to Destiny 2 the first thing I noticed is the lack of in-game community.
Now I know Bungie's most famous work is a console game and that's where they come from, so it's understandable they are used to making that kind of game where you really only play with your friends on Xbox or Playstation.
However, and especially as a new player, this lack of communication has a big impact on gameplay.
It's very off-putting to me that I need to constantly keep my second screen occupied with forums and wikis, I would much rather have a chat channel where I can quickly ask "how do I get the wish-ender?" to have an experienced player reply oh you need to go there and there to get the quest and at the end of that quest you'll get it.
Or enter global chat and ask "hey I want to join a clan, anyone recruiting?" instead of having to pop on a forum where I have to wait for a reply because no one is always on here when playing (well, maybe a few, but you get the point) and then when I return to the forum three days later to post a salty poll on titan melee damage (hehe) and realise the owner/a member of a clan messaged me three days ago asking if I want to join theirs.
TL;DR: A constantly accessible global chat channel would greatly improve the game and communication within the community, it's only perks really.
Like it would even be possible to read a global chat with how many spam messages would be going off in the Tower.
Seriously, Bungie claims this game is a MMO, yet is missing something so basic that every MMO has. Not much to add that hasn't already been said in the comments. Honestly, Bungie needs to make this game feel more welcoming to new players. If you're not on Forums or a third-party companion app the game feels lonely and dead.
As a PS4 peasant, I also feel like we need this. The default chat setting is none. You have to go into your ghost and select "fireteam" or "team" chat in all activities. Why isn't it just open mic to start with? If you don't like hearing and talking with everybody, just open your ghost and switch to fireteam chat. Bungie wants this to be like an MMO, but it doesn't have any of the infrastructure to make it one. Rather than seeing people talking with one another, hearing what their plans are, being able to ask if they're looking for an additional gun or something, it's kind of like we're all strangers who refuse to talk to each other, but are forced to occupy the same space. Is that any way to build a sense of community?
a global chat would just be so goddamn annoying, there's literally no reason for there to be one.
Something like Warframes chat box with separate Clan, Region, Recruitment tabs would be a major improvement and would also fix the whole unhappiness with lack of ingame matchmaking for difficult activities. Its seems like something that should just be there in this type of game and has always been at the top of my list of wanted improvements.