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由indigo_rhodes編輯: 10/27/2019 5:12:55 PM

I’ve been writing things

[spoiler]I am just beginning to get into poetry. This one is from my personal life. [/spoiler] [quote][b]The best time of our lives [/b] Unforgetful That’s what they remind me of The gentle knowing iris of the owl A sort of calm chestnut, with hints of Mint and rain. Alight with a playful flame Like the bonfire at the summer camp I hated when I was nine What I would give to be back there. No one ever stopped to say Hey, this might be The best time of our lives! Maybe we should try that now. But would that be a lie? A brave colorful barrier Blotting out the poignant sorrows of adolescence? They’re entrancing. A sort of ancient spell lies on them Passed on through a meaningful glance in a classroom Or a wink from the piano when the seconds sound like garbage. You and I probably aren’t Meant to be forever. Is anyone, really? I have yet to meet a two who all their troubles tamed. But who knows? This could be The best time of our lives.[/quote]



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